Saudi - 325 Spin  Lyrics

325 Spin


Album: Drugs INC
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Saudi 325 Spin lyrics

Born and bred in Soweto's township, Senaone, Saudi whose birth name is Anele Mbisha is a hip hop / RnB Linchpin. His interest in music originates from growing up in a family that loved music and had a...

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Saudi 325 Spin Lyrics

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[Saudi - 325 Spin lyrics]
Ok I started with a cup inside another
Bridging no gangster traping me for my big brother
Vele ngpheth'intjiza that's a story for another
I put inyembez ebswen bakamamakho
Umagriza raised me well inkinga I was my own daddy
Satan ujump(a) mafence
Forum house ain't had a fence
You die, you die in the trap yourself look at yourself
Lonely Swati King Kong bitch kissin on my neck (yeah)
All I've ever wanted in my life, i-325 I.S with the top down
Bonkh'aboNice base kas'lam, bengik'bay, bengik'bay
All I've ever wanted in my life, i325 I.S with the top down
Bonkh'aboNice base kas'lam, bengik'bay, bengik'bay
Nkulunkulu ngcel'iZuka (Wanted all my life, Wanted all my life)
Nkulunkulu ngcel'iZuka (Pheth'ukhabayaz)
Nkulunkulu ngcel'iZuka (Wanted all my life, wanted all my life)
Nkulunkulu mara ngcel'iZuka (Pheth'ikhabayaz)
[?]K'fana nama Dice izinto zyajika can't believe
Could there be me could it be espinnin
Nkosi angiy'kholwi how could it be, could it be
I died so many times,
get to many crimes to care about impilo yam badelang manje
Ngabe I me that e spinnin, ngabe I me kanjani
Yeah yeah yeah
Baby face master that's just how the Lord made me (kaso)
Tryina get richer than Opera where my door ain't in (faso)
360 spin ntwana blessed
Lonely Swati King Kong bitch kissin on my neck (yeah)
And these are not life that we live
Lonely Swati King Kong, Lonely Swati King Kong
I do this for you (you did)
The Devil's Revenge Upon God Servants isn't crime in Soweto (you did)
It don't mean cause I'm the one that has taken this position or
that's doin this or sellin is
gettin wrong or that I have bad intentions
It juh mean that, I came from a bad situation
And, Intok'ngek i-stop (you did)
Juh like abelungu came here and they took
everything and then called us wrong for tryna survive
Kids from the hood [?
] without no outlet to do anything positive for
them to survive, will never stop doing what they do
And kids that's really open about what they do and proud of it
because that's them and that's
their heritage and that's their identity
Cause I ain't got nothing else either than that thing
If you sayin ukuthi,
I'm wrong for being completely open
about what I became because of my situation
Then that means you're completely against
me and people that were born into my situation
So the Devils Revenge Upon God isn't crime,
the Devils Revenge Upon God's Servants
isn't crime, iSoweto where we come from
You did what I'm sayin
Jozi the Slump Tranches maghetto yonkindawo
It ain't crime, crime is where I come from
That never gon stop, ain't never gon stop man
You know, can't get mad at me cause intok'phel engiy'funay is
an I.S with a top down juh like uChester who's my Idol (you did)
You can't get mad at me for that
I'm proud of my Orange, White and Blue (yeah you did)
South man, Saudi, Msotraman, kaSouth
Ntwana yaseSoweto

Saudi 325 Spin lyrics
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