Joyous Celebration - This Love  Lyrics

This Love

Joyous Celebration

Album: Joyous 20
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Joyous Celebration This Love lyrics

A dream was born between three friends more than 20 years ago in KZN, today this dream stands as a colossal monument across the music industry in South Africa. Jabu Hlongwane, Lindelani Mkhize and Mth...

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Joyous Celebration This Love Lyrics

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[Joyous Celebration - This Love lyrics]
Eyes can't see the way You hold me
Or how I'm hiden in Your heart
Minds don't know all that You've told me
Or how I ache for where You are
It's invisible to the world
Incredible to the angels
Not since Eden have they seen this sight
Everlasting life
You are all over,
You are around,
You are inside.
This is life, this is life.
You come in empty
But everytime you fill me
I bring my sickness
I leave healed
When i'm brokenhearted
You mend every piece

Joyous Celebration This Love lyrics
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