Joyous Celebration - I Trust You  Lyrics

I Trust You

Joyous Celebration

Album: Joyous 20
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Joyous Celebration I Trust You lyrics

A dream was born between three friends more than 20 years ago in KZN, today this dream stands as a colossal monument across the music industry in South Africa. Jabu Hlongwane, Lindelani Mkhize and Mth...

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Joyous Celebration I Trust You Lyrics

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[Joyous Celebration - I Trust You lyrics]
In my despair, confusion and fear
You rise with all power
My flesh is weakened
I'm discouraged and I'm broken
I'm helpless and alone
You never left my side
Your love is still with me
The sacrifice You made
Renew all of my soul
Restore us back to You
That we may remain whole
If we could just believe
Oh Lord I trust in you
With all of my heart
Oh Lord I trust in you
With all of my heart
Oh Lord I depend on you
With all of my heart
Oh Lord I depend on You
With all of my heart
Oh Lord I surrender it all
To you all my heart
Oh Lord I surrender it all
With all of my heart

Joyous Celebration I Trust You lyrics
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