Die Antwoord - Siembamba Ft. The Black Goat Lyrics


Die Antwoord

Album: Suck On This
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Die Antwoord Siembamba Ft. The Black Goat lyrics

Die Antwoord which means "The Answer" in Afrikaans, is a South African rap-rave band formed in Cape Town in 2008. Fronted by vocalists Ninja and Yolandi Visser, their music is produced by DJ Hi-Tek. T...

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Die Antwoord Siembamba Lyrics

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[Die Antwoord Ft. The Black Goat - Siembamba lyrics]
Siembamba, mama se kindjie
Siembamba, mama se kindjie
Draai sy nek om, gooi hom in die sloot
Trap op sy kop dan is hy dood

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Die Antwoord Siembamba lyrics Ft. The Black Goat
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