Mi Casa - Beautiful  Lyrics


Mi Casa

Album: Mi Casa Music
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Mi Casa Beautiful lyrics

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Mi Casa Beautiful Lyrics

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[Mi Casa - Beautiful lyrics]
Ah! you know there's a couple of things
That I want you to know, it will only take a couple of minutes
But get yourself comfortable.

Baby you need to know this
Or maybe I need to say it more, but
I don't want you to forgetting every single word I say to you today.
Every time when you are around or when you've left to your mama's house,
I always feel the need to let you know why my heart beat so

You're B E A Utiful (you need to know this)
B E A Utiful (you need to know this)
B E A Utiful
So Beautiful to me

Lately a girl with your curves, got me thinking reckless
Each day we spend together just gets better with time
You blow my mind
Coz of the way you so taste
& the way you drive me crazy,
I can't believe that you my baby
You need to know, you need to know that

You're B E A Utiful so beautiful
B E A Utiful so beautiful
B E A Utiful beautiful
You so Beautiful baby.
Mi Casa Beautiful lyrics
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