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Joyous Celebration Wasara Wasara lyrics

A dream was born between three friends more than 20 years ago in KZN, today this dream stands as a colossal monument across the music industry in South Africa. Jabu Hlongwane, Lindelani Mkhize and Mth...

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Joyous Celebration Wasara Wasara Lyrics

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[Joyous Celebration - Wasara Wasara lyrics]
Kunamata Jesu inhange mutange, wasara wasara
Aiye inhange mutange wasara wasara
Oh wasara wasara
Wasara wasara
Dai asiri Jesu, akandiponesa
Ndiani waizondiona?
Hapana waizondiona
I will make a joyful shout to the heavens,
I will call upon the name of the Lord
I will make a joyful shout to the heavens,
I will call on the name of the Lord
Tomudana, tomudana Mwari wedu tomudana
Tokwira makomo tomudana Mwari wedu
Tokwira makomo tomudana
Sunday to Sunday, Durban to Jo’burg, Capetown to Cairo, Border to border
Ndichimudana Mwari wangu
Bwana wa mabwana, (Bwana)
Bwana wa Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
Lesa wamalesa, (Lesa)
Lesa x2 (Lesa)

Joyous Celebration Wasara Wasara lyrics
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