Joyous Celebration - Nginde Nginde  Lyrics

Nginde Nginde

Joyous Celebration

Album: Joyous 20
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Joyous Celebration Nginde Nginde lyrics

A dream was born between three friends more than 20 years ago in KZN, today this dream stands as a colossal monument across the music industry in South Africa. Jabu Hlongwane, Lindelani Mkhize and Mth...

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Joyous Celebration Nginde Nginde Lyrics

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[Joyous Celebration - Nginde Nginde lyrics]
Nginde nginde bhero rinorira x 4
(Ring ring the bell is ringing)
(Nginde nginde bhero rinorira) x 2
(Ring ring the bell is ringing)
Nginde iwe nginde iwe bhero rinorira hayi hayi
(Ring ring hey hey, the bell is ringing, hayi hayi)
(Nginde nginde bhero rinorira)
(Ring ring the bell is ringing)
Ndokushumira dzamara dzamara ndaenda
I will serve you all the days of my life
(Ndokushumira dzamara dzamara ndaenda)
(I will serve you until I die/go)
Pipipi pinda muzambara tiende kunaBaba
(Enter into the gateway and we go to the Father)
(Pinda muzambara tiende kunaBaba)
(Enter into the gateway and we go to the Father)
Munhu wese simuka tirumbidze zita raJeso
(Everybody raise up and Praise the name of Jesus)
Come and proclaim the goodness of the Lord
Come in and sing about the goodness of the Lord
From Zambezi to Limpopo come on and praise him
(Come in and sing about the goodness of the Lord)
From the north to the south we declare your holy name
(Come in and sing about the goodness of the Lord)
Back to chorus
Huyayi tifare munaJesu veduwe
(Come in and sing about the goodness of the Lord)
Huyayi titambe munaJesu veduwe
(Come in and sing about the goodness of the Lord)
Dance 1
Dance 2
Back to verse 1
Pipipi pinda muzambara tiende kunaBaba
(Enter into the gateway and we go to the Father)
(Pinda muzambara tiende kunaBaba) x4
(Enter into the gateway and we go to the Father)

Joyous Celebration Nginde Nginde lyrics
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